
The Trail, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Master Plan identifies projects that will support the vision for a more comfortable, connected active transportation network in Milpitas.

Informed by previous plans, data analysis, and public feedback, the projects presented in the plan seek to:

  • Expand the pedestrian, bicycle, and shared use path networks in Milpitas
  • Connect existing and proposed corridors to provide for continuous travel 
  • Improve existing crossings and identify new locations for major roadway crossings
  • Enhance access to recreational opportunities
  • Support multimodal connections through increased transit access
  • Establish a connected low-stress network and improve connections among neighborhoods and destinations
  • Identify a framework for improving the pedestrian experience

The Trail, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Master Plan includes recommendations for policies and programs that can further support the goals of the plan and enhance the impact of infrastructure improvements. For more information, see the full Master Plan.